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Yesterday we introduced the new Bricklets, today we will characterize a selection of them in detail. The Ambient Light 2.0, Analog In 2.0, Analog Out 2.0 and Moisture Bricklet 1.1 are improved versions of already existing Bricklets.
Ambient Light Bricklet 2.0

The Ambient Light Bricklet 2.0 is the successor of the Ambient Light Bricklet. The new version uses a better light sensor with a higher precision and bigger measurement range (0-64000 lux). This allows to measure sunlight much better than with the old Bricklet with its smaller measurement range (0-900 lux). Additionally, the measurement range can be configured in six steps between 0-600 and 0-64000 lux and the integration time can be configured in eight steps between 50 and 400 milliseconds. A smaller measurement range results in more precise measurements. A longer integration time results in less but more precise measurements. This allows to adapt the Ambient Light Bricklet 2.0 to the actual measurement task at hand.
Because we are already out-of-stock on the old Ambient Light Bricklet, all orders that have not yet been shipped, that include an old Ambient Light Bricklet, will automatically receive a new Ambient Light Bricklet 2.0 instead.
Analog In Bricklet 2.0

The Analog In Bricklet 2.0 is the successor of the Analog In Bricklets, that is already discontinued for a while now. We suggested the Voltage/Current Bricklet as a intermediate replacement. The improved Analog In Bricklet 2.0 is a more cost-effective alternative to the Voltage/Current Bricklet, in case you only want to measure a single voltage. It measures a DC voltage (0-42V) with 12bit resolution (~10mV). The new version uses a filtered non-inverting amplifier to reduce noise, compared to the simple voltage divider of the old Analog In Bricklet.
Analog Out Bricklet 2.0

The Analog Out Bricklet 2.0 is the successor of the Analog Out Bricklets. The new version is able to output 0-5V on its own, just as the old version. Additionally, it can output 0-12V with a external power supply connected to it. This allows to control a standard 0-10V industrial interface (DIN IEC 60381-1).
With still have some old Analog Out Bricklets in stock and will sell them for a reduced price along the new Bricklet. Once the old stock is sold we will only sell the Analog Out Bricklet 2.0.
Moisture Bricklet 1.1

The Moisture Bricklet 1.1 is a improved version of the Moisture Bricklet. In contrast to the three 2.0 Bricklets, the Moisture Bricklet 1.1 is only a new hardware version. Plugin and bindings stay the same. The old Moisture Bricklet used a specific method of measurement that could result in corrosion of the metal contacts. This destroyed the Bricklet. The improved version uses a capacitive method of measurement without bare-metal contacts, so no corrosion can occur anymore.
With still have some old Moisture Bricklets in stock, but we wont sell them anymore because of the corrosion problem. If you need an old Moisture Bricklet for some reason you can contact us.
How it continues tomorrow…
Tomorrow we will introduce four new sensor Bricklets: Accelerometer, Dust Detector, Laser Range Finder and Load Cell Bricklet.