Lots of small new stuff
Olaf Lüke - 12 years, 8 months ago
In the last few days we added some of the most wanted new APIs for the existing Bricks and Bricklets, including:
get_chip_temperature (temperature of microcontroller, available on all Bricks).
reset (Software reset of microcontroller and stack, available on all Bricks).
monoflop (Dual Relay Bricklet).
USB Hotplug (It is now possible to plug in a USB connector in a stack that is already powered by a Step-Down Power Supply, the stack will restart and register on the PC).
Minimum period of 1us on Servo Brick (was 2000us before).
configurable time base for Stepper Brick (you can now do something like one step each 2.5 seconds).
get_all_data/ all data callback (To get all important Stepper Brick messages together).
new_state callback (This will notify you if a new state is reached, e.g. if the full velocity of the Stepper Motor is reached).
And lots of small fixes in the Brick Viewer.
You can find all of the changes and links to the new versions on our announcements thread on tinkerunity.