We just released our newest starter kit, the Starter Kit: Internet of Things. It is available for the introductory price of 49.99€.

The Internet of Things is an evolution of the Internet. It interconnects not only human and computer as before but also physical objects (things). Things can be home appliances, vehicles, industrial facilities or potentially everything we interact with daily.

The Starter Kit: Internet of Things basically consists consists of a Remote Switch Bricklet and a Master Brick. It allows to contol 433MHz actuators such as remotely controlled mains switches, remote dimmers and home automation components like automated blinds. We developed the web site iot-remote.com for the kit. It allows to control those acutators and the devices that are connected to them without any programming. The web sie uses the Tinkerforge Javascript Bindings, after you downloaded the web site for the first time you can use it in offline mode without an internet connection. Communication happens only between the controlling device, e.g. PC, smart phone or tablet and the actuator itself. The communication does not go through the Tinkerforge server or similar. If you don’t want to program anything yourself, you can easily use this web site to control your living room lights or other devices over the internet.

If you want to implement your own project ideas you can use the Bindings for the Remote Switch Bricklet and as appropriate integrate other Tinkerforge modules. As an example a light or temperature dependent controlling with the Ambient Light or Temperature Bricklet is very easy to realize. The case of the starter kit does have additional holes for the Ethernet Extension, which can also be easily integrated. With the Ethernet Extension you can go without a Raspberry PI or similar that is used as a gateway.