Tinkerforge products are available for about one year now. After the expansion of the product catalogue our next step will be to find resellers to get a bigger market presence.
Nearly directly after our start in december 2011 we had regular inquiries regarding reselling our products. At the time we had too much stuff going on at the same time and we couldn’t take proper care of the requests. Also it was often not possible for us to meet the requirements like discount, packaging or handling of returns.

With Trenz Electronic GmbH we have attracted our first reseller.Trenz Electronic was founded as a engineering company in 1992 with a focus on FPGA hardware designs. Since 2001 they have their own webshop and sell different FPGA and development boards as well as different electronic parts.
Since they develop their own hardware there is a lot of electronic experience in this company, such that questions can be answered without our help or Tinkerunity. One additional nice aspect is that Trenz Electronic also develops open source electronics, so they know what they are doing.
All Tinkerforge products will be available in Trenz Electronic’s webshop at beginning of January 2013. We are looking forward to a good cooperation!