Thermocouple Bricklet 2.0

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Thermocouple Bricklet 2.0


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  • Measures temperature with a thermocouple
  • Supports B, E, J, K, N, R and T type
Thermocouple Bricklet 2.0   +€27.99

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The Thermocouple Bricklet 2.0 can be used to extend the features of Bricks with the capability to measure temperature with a thermocouple. The measured temperature can be read out in °C. With configurable events it is possible to react on changing values without polling.

The supported thermocouple types are B, E, J, K, N, R and T. It is also possible to configure custom gains, with which you can read out other thermocouple types or even custom thermocouple types.

Faults such as missing thermocouple and over/under-voltage are automatically detected and reported.

By default the Bricklet comes with a K-type mini thermocouple connector. The connector uses Alumel for the negative Chromel for the positive contact. We can also fit the Bricklet with a matching connector for other thermocouple types. You can choose type J,T,E,U and N. Another option is to choose the wire option. Then you will get the Bricklet without any connector but with two 20cm isolated wires. This way you can connect your own connector to it.

This Bricklet ist not galvanically isolated to the Tinkerforge system. This means that there is a direct electrical connection between the terminals of the Bricklet and the rest of the system. Dependent of the application this can lead to undesired connections, ground loops or short circuits. These problems can be prevented by using the Bricklet together with a Isolator Bricklet.

Technical Specifications

Sensor MAX31856
Current Consumption 45mW (9mA at 5V)
Measurement Range -210°C to +1800°C
Resolution 0.01°C
Accuracy ±0.15% (full-scale), ±0.7°C (cold-junction)
Supported Types B, E, J, K, N, R and T (custom types possible)
Connector mini thermocouple jack
Dimensions (W x D x H) 40 x 30 x 8mm (1.58 x 1.18 x 0.32")
Weight 9g

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