The hardware of garage door openers can be really complex. Besides the radio transmitter there are complex electronics for encryption. We don't want to take a closer look at the complexity and we don't have to! since the only thing we are interested in is to trigger a button.
We will trigger the button by bypassing at it as described here.
At first we have to dismantle the casing of the remote switch. With a small screwdriver this is an easy task.
After removing the casing we can take a look at the five control buttons. We are only interested in the most left button since this one controls the garage door on this model.
If we take a closer look at the button we will find that only two of the four pads are connected with traces. These are the pads were we have to solder our wires to.
Connect wires to one relay of the Industrial Quad Relay Bricklets 8 pole connector. After that we can test our work by using the Brick Viewer software. Open the Industrial Quad Relay Bricklet tab and switch the related relay. You should be able to trigger the remote control.
After this test we can close the casing of the remote control and have finished our task.