This is the description of the MATLAB/Octave API bindings for the RS485 Bricklet. General information and technical specifications for the RS485 Bricklet are summarized in its hardware description.
An installation guide for the MATLAB/Octave API bindings is part of their general description.
The example code below is Public Domain (CC0 1.0).
Download (matlab_example_loopback.m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 | function matlab_example_loopback()
import com.tinkerforge.IPConnection;
import com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485;
import java.lang.String;
% For this example connect the RX+/- pins to TX+/- pins on the same Bricklet
% and configure the DIP switch on the Bricklet to full-duplex mode
HOST = 'localhost';
PORT = 4223;
UID = 'XYZ'; % Change XYZ to the UID of your RS485 Bricklet
ipcon = IPConnection(); % Create IP connection
rs485 = handle(BrickletRS485(UID, ipcon), 'CallbackProperties'); % Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); % Connect to brickd
% Don't use device before ipcon is connected
% Enable full-duplex mode
rs485.setRS485Configuration(115200, BrickletRS485.PARITY_NONE, ...
BrickletRS485.STOPBITS_1, BrickletRS485.WORDLENGTH_8, ...
% Register read callback to function cb_read
set(rs485, 'ReadCallback', @(h, e) cb_read(e));
% Enable read callback
% Write "test" string
input('Press key to exit\n', 's');
% Callback function for read callback
function cb_read(e)
fprintf('Message: "%s"\n', e.message);
Download (matlab_example_modbus_master.m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 | function matlab_example_modbus_master()
global expected_request_id;
import com.tinkerforge.IPConnection;
import com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485;
HOST = 'localhost';
PORT = 4223;
UID = 'XYZ'; % Change XYZ to the UID of your RS485 Bricklet
ipcon = IPConnection(); % Create IP connection
rs485 = handle(BrickletRS485(UID, ipcon), 'CallbackProperties'); % Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); % Connect to brickd
% Don't use device before ipcon is connected
% Set operating mode to Modbus RTU master
% Modbus specific configuration:
% - slave address = 1 (unused in master mode)
% - master request timeout = 1000ms
rs485.setModbusConfiguration(1, 1000);
% Register Modbus master write single register response callback to function
% cb_modbus_master_write_single_register_response
set(rs485, 'ModbusMasterWriteSingleRegisterResponseCallback',
@(h, e) cb_modbus_master_write_single_register_response(e));
% Write 65535 to register 42 of slave 17
expected_request_id = rs485.modbusMasterWriteSingleRegister(17, 42, 65535);
input('Press key to exit\n', 's');
% Callback function for Modbus master write single register response callback
function cb_modbus_master_write_single_register_response(e)
global expected_request_id;
fprintf('Request ID: %i\n', e.requestID);
fprintf('Exception Code: %i\n', e.exceptionCode);
if e.requestID ~= expected_request_id
fprintf('Error: Unexpected request ID\n');
Download (matlab_example_modbus_slave.m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 | function matlab_example_modbus_slave()
global rs485;
import com.tinkerforge.IPConnection;
import com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485;
HOST = 'localhost';
PORT = 4223;
UID = 'XYZ'; % Change XYZ to the UID of your RS485 Bricklet
ipcon = IPConnection(); % Create IP connection
rs485 = handle(BrickletRS485(UID, ipcon), 'CallbackProperties'); % Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); % Connect to brickd
% Don't use device before ipcon is connected
% Set operating mode to Modbus RTU slave
% Modbus specific configuration:
% - slave address = 17
% - master request timeout = 0ms (unused in slave mode)
rs485.setModbusConfiguration(17, 0);
% Register Modbus slave write single register request callback to function
% cb_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request
set(rs485, 'ModbusSlaveWriteSingleRegisterRequestCallback',
@(h, e) cb_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request(e));
input('Press key to exit\n', 's');
% Callback function for Modbus slave write single register request callback
function cb_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request(e)
global rs485;
fprintf('Request ID: %i\n', e.requestID);
fprintf('Register Address: %i\n', e.registerAddress);
fprintf('Register Value: %i\n', e.registerValue);
if e.registerAddress ~= 42
fprintf('Error: Invalid register address\n');
rs485.modbusSlaveReportException(e.requestID, com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485.EXCEPTION_CODE_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS);
Download (octave_example_modbus_master.m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 | function octave_example_modbus_master()
more off;
global expected_request_id;
HOST = "localhost";
PORT = 4223;
UID = "XYZ"; % Change XYZ to the UID of your RS485 Bricklet
ipcon = javaObject("com.tinkerforge.IPConnection"); % Create IP connection
rs485 = javaObject("com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485", UID, ipcon); % Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); % Connect to brickd
% Don't use device before ipcon is connected
% Set operating mode to Modbus RTU master
% Modbus specific configuration:
% - slave address = 1 (unused in master mode)
% - master request timeout = 1000ms
rs485.setModbusConfiguration(1, 1000);
% Register Modbus master write single register response callback to function
% cb_modbus_master_write_single_register_response
% Write 65535 to register 42 of slave 17
expected_request_id = rs485.modbusMasterWriteSingleRegister(17, 42, 65535);
input("Press key to exit\n", "s");
% Callback function for Modbus master write single register response callback
function cb_modbus_master_write_single_register_response(e)
global expected_request_id;
fprintf("Request ID: %d\n", e.requestID);
fprintf("Exception Code: %d\n", e.exceptionCode);
if e.requestID ~= expected_request_id
fprintf("Error: Unexpected request ID\n");
Download (octave_example_modbus_slave.m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 | function octave_example_modbus_slave()
more off;
global rs485;
HOST = "localhost";
PORT = 4223;
UID = "XYZ"; % Change XYZ to the UID of your RS485 Bricklet
ipcon = javaObject("com.tinkerforge.IPConnection"); % Create IP connection
rs485 = javaObject("com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485", UID, ipcon); % Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); % Connect to brickd
% Don't use device before ipcon is connected
% Set operating mode to Modbus RTU slave
% Modbus specific configuration:
% - slave address = 17
% - master request timeout = 0ms (unused in slave mode)
rs485.setModbusConfiguration(17, 0);
% Register Modbus slave write single register request callback to function
% cb_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request
input("Press key to exit\n", "s");
% Callback function for Modbus slave write single register request callback
function cb_modbus_slave_write_single_register_request(e)
global rs485;
fprintf("Request ID: %d\n", e.requestID);
fprintf("Register Address: %d\n", java2int(e.registerAddress));
fprintf("Register Value: %d\n", e.registerValue);
if e.registerAddress ~= 42
fprintf("Error: Invalid register address\n");
rs485.modbusSlaveReportException(e.requestID, rs485.EXCEPTION_CODE_ILLEGAL_DATA_ADDRESS);
function int = java2int(value)
if compare_versions(version(), "3.8", "<=")
int = value.intValue();
int = value;
Download (octave_example_loopback.m)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | function octave_example_loopback()
more off;
% For this example connect the RX+/- pins to TX+/- pins on the same Bricklet
% and configure the DIP switch on the Bricklet to full-duplex mode
HOST = "localhost";
PORT = 4223;
UID = "XYZ"; % Change XYZ to the UID of your RS485 Bricklet
ipcon = javaObject("com.tinkerforge.IPConnection"); % Create IP connection
rs485 = javaObject("com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485", UID, ipcon); % Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT); % Connect to brickd
% Don't use device before ipcon is connected
% Enable full-duplex mode
rs485.setRS485Configuration(115200, rs485.PARITY_NONE, rs485.STOPBITS_1, ...
% Register read callback to function cb_read
% Enable read callback
% Write "test" string
input("Press key to exit\n", "s");
% Callback function for read callback
function cb_read(e)
fprintf("Message: \"%s\"\n", chars2string(e.message));
% Convert string to array of chars as needed by write
function chars = string2chars(string)
chars = javaArray("java.lang.String", length(string));
for i = 1:length(string)
chars(i) = substr(string, i, 1);
% Assume that the message consists of ASCII characters and
% convert it from an array of chars to a string
function string = chars2string(chars)
string = "";
for i = 1:length(chars)
string = strcat(string, chars(i));
Generally, every method of the MATLAB bindings that returns a value can
throw a TimeoutException
. This exception gets thrown if the
device did not respond. If a cable based connection is used, it is
unlikely that this exception gets thrown (assuming nobody unplugs the
device). However, if a wireless connection is used, timeouts will occur
if the distance to the device gets too big.
Beside the TimeoutException
there is also a NotConnectedException
is thrown if a method needs to communicate with the device while the
IP Connection is not connected.
Since the MATLAB bindings are based on Java and Java does not support multiple return values and return by reference is not possible for primitive types, we use small classes that only consist of member variables. The member variables of the returned objects are described in the corresponding method descriptions.
The package for all Brick/Bricklet bindings and the IP Connection is
All methods listed below are thread-safe.
(String uid, IPConnection ipcon)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
Creates an object with the unique device ID uid
import com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485;
rs485 = BrickletRS485('YOUR_DEVICE_UID', ipcon);
In Octave:
rs485 = java_new("com.tinkerforge.BrickletRS485", "YOUR_DEVICE_UID", ipcon);
This object can then be used after the IP Connection is connected.
(char[] message)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
Writes characters to the RS485 interface. The characters can be binary data, ASCII or similar is not necessary.
The return value is the number of characters that were written.
See setRS485Configuration()
for configuration possibilities
regarding baudrate, parity and so on.
(int length)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
Returns up to length characters from receive buffer.
Instead of polling with this function, you can also use
callbacks. But note that this function will return available
data only when the read callback is disabled.
See enableReadCallback()
and ReadCallback
(long baudrate, int parity, int stopbits, int wordlength, int duplex)¶Parameters: |
Sets the configuration for the RS485 communication.
The following constants are available for this function:
For parity:
For stopbits:
For wordlength:
For duplex:
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the configuration as set by setRS485Configuration()
The following constants are available for this function:
For parity:
For stopbits:
For wordlength:
For duplex:
(int slaveAddress, long masterRequestTimeout)¶Parameters: |
Sets the configuration for the RS485 Modbus communication. Available options:
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the configuration as set by setModbusConfiguration()
(int mode)¶Parameters: |
Sets the mode of the Bricklet in which it operates. Available options are
The following constants are available for this function:
For mode:
()¶Returns: |
Returns the configuration as set by setMode()
The following constants are available for this function:
For mode:
(int config)¶Parameters: |
Sets the communication LED configuration. By default the LED shows RS485 communication traffic by flickering.
You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.
If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is off.
The following constants are available for this function:
For config:
()¶Returns: |
Returns the configuration as set by setCommunicationLEDConfig()
The following constants are available for this function:
For config:
(int config)¶Parameters: |
Sets the error LED configuration.
By default the error LED turns on if there is any error (see ErrorCountCallback
callback). If you call this function with the SHOW ERROR option again, the LED
will turn off until the next error occurs.
You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.
If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is off.
The following constants are available for this function:
For config:
()¶Returns: |
Returns the configuration as set by setErrorLEDConfig()
The following constants are available for this function:
For config:
(int sendBufferSize, int receiveBufferSize)¶Parameters: |
Sets the send and receive buffer size in byte. In sum there is 10240 byte (10KiB) buffer available and the minimum buffer size is 1024 byte (1KiB) for both.
The current buffer content is lost if this function is called.
The send buffer holds data that was given by write()
could not be written yet. The receive buffer holds data that is
received through RS485 but could not yet be send to the
user, either by read()
or through ReadCallback
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the buffer configuration as set by setBufferConfig()
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the currently used bytes for the send and received buffer.
See setBufferConfig()
for buffer size configuration.
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the current number of overrun and parity errors.
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the current number of errors occurred in Modbus mode.
(int requestID, int exceptionCode)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to report a Modbus exception for a Modbus master request.
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
(int requestID, boolean[] coils)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read coils.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveReadCoilsRequestCallback
with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long startingAddress, int count)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read coils from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 1 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterReadCoilsResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be
matched with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback
is indeed for a particular request.
(int requestID, int[] holdingRegisters)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read holding registers.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveReadHoldingRegistersRequestCallback
callback with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long startingAddress, int count)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read holding registers from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 3 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterReadHoldingRegistersResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
(int requestID)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write a single coil.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveWriteSingleCoilRequestCallback
callback with the Request ID as provided by the arguments of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long coilAddress, boolean coilValue)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write a single coil of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 5 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterWriteSingleCoilResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
(int requestID)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write a single register.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveWriteSingleRegisterRequestCallback
callback with the Request ID, Register Address and Register Value as provided by
the arguments of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long registerAddress, int registerValue)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write a single holding register of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 6 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterWriteSingleRegisterResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
(int requestID)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write multiple coils.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleCoilsRequestCallback
callback with the Request ID of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long startingAddress, boolean[] coils)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write multiple coils of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 15 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterWriteMultipleCoilsResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
(int requestID)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to write multiple registers.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveWriteMultipleRegistersRequestCallback
callback with the Request ID of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long startingAddress, int[] registers)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to write multiple registers of a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 16 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterWriteMultipleRegistersResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
(int requestID, boolean[] discreteInputs)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read discrete inputs.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveReadDiscreteInputsRequestCallback
callback with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long startingAddress, int count)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read discrete inputs from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 2 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterReadDiscreteInputsResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
(int requestID, int[] inputRegisters)¶Parameters: |
In Modbus slave mode this function can be used to answer a master request to read input registers.
This function must be called from the ModbusSlaveReadInputRegistersRequestCallback
with the Request ID as provided by the argument of the callback.
(int slaveAddress, long startingAddress, int count)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
In Modbus master mode this function can be used to read input registers from a slave. This function creates a Modbus function code 4 request.
Upon success the function will return a non-zero request ID which will represent the current request initiated by the Modbus master. In case of failure the returned request ID will be 0.
When successful this function will also invoke the ModbusMasterReadInputRegistersResponseCallback
callback. In this callback the Request ID provided by the callback argument must be matched
with the Request ID returned from this function to verify that the callback is indeed for a
particular request.
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the error count for the communication between Brick and Bricklet.
The errors are divided into
The errors counts are for errors that occur on the Bricklet side. All Bricks have a similar function that returns the errors on the Brick side.
(int config)¶Parameters: |
Sets the status LED configuration. By default the LED shows communication traffic between Brick and Bricklet, it flickers once for every 10 received data packets.
You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.
If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is will show heartbeat by default.
The following constants are available for this function:
For config:
()¶Returns: |
Returns the configuration as set by setStatusLEDConfig()
The following constants are available for this function:
For config:
()¶Returns: |
Returns the temperature as measured inside the microcontroller. The value returned is not the ambient temperature!
The temperature is only proportional to the real temperature and it has bad accuracy. Practically it is only useful as an indicator for temperature changes.
()¶Calling this function will reset the Bricklet. All configurations will be lost.
After a reset you have to create new device objects, calling functions on the existing ones will result in undefined behavior!
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.
The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g' or 'h' (Bricklet Port). A Bricklet connected to an Isolator Bricklet is always at position 'z'.
The device identifier numbers can be found here. There is also a constant for the device identifier of this Bricklet.
()¶Enables the ReadCallback
callback. This will disable the FrameReadableCallback
By default the callback is disabled.
()¶Disables the ReadCallback
By default the callback is disabled.
()¶Returns: |
Returns true if the ReadCallback
callback is enabled,
false otherwise.
()¶Enables the ErrorCountCallback
By default the callback is disabled.
()¶Disables the ErrorCountCallback
By default the callback is disabled.
()¶Returns: |
Returns true if the ErrorCountCallback
callback is enabled,
false otherwise.
(int frameSize)¶Parameters: |
Configures the FrameReadableCallback
callback. The frame size is the number of bytes, that have to be readable to trigger the callback.
A frame size of 0 disables the callback. A frame size greater than 0 enables the callback and disables the ReadCallback
By default the callback is disabled.
New in version 2.0.5 (Plugin).
()¶Returns: |
Returns the callback configuration as set by setFrameReadableCallbackConfiguration()
New in version 2.0.5 (Plugin).
Callbacks can be registered to receive time critical or recurring data from the device. The registration is done with "set" function of MATLAB. The parameters consist of the IP Connection object, the callback name and the callback function. For example, it looks like this in MATLAB:
function my_callback(e)
fprintf('Parameter: %s\n', e.param);
set(device, 'ExampleCallback', @(h, e) my_callback(e));
Due to a difference in the Octave Java support the "set" function cannot be used in Octave. The registration is done with "add*Callback" functions of the device object. It looks like this in Octave:
function my_callback(e)
fprintf("Parameter: %s\n", e.param);
It is possible to add several callbacks and to remove them with the corresponding "remove*Callback" function.
The parameters of the callback are passed to the callback function as fields of
the structure e
, which is derived from the java.util.EventObject
The available callback names with corresponding structure fields are described
Using callbacks for recurring events is always preferred compared to using getters. It will use less USB bandwidth and the latency will be a lot better, since there is no round trip time.
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called if new data is available.
To enable this callback, use enableReadCallback()
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for message.
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeReadCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called if a new error occurs. It returns the current overrun and parity error count.
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeErrorCountCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read coils. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first coil to be read and the number of coils to be read as received by the request. The number of the first coil is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerReadCoilsRequest()
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveReadCoilsRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read coils.
The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.
Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code
is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is
less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that
the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the
request within the master request timeout period as set by
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for coils.
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterReadCoilsResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read holding registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first holding register to be read and the number of holding registers to be read as received by the request. The number of the first holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerReadHoldingRegistersRequest()
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveReadHoldingRegistersRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read holding registers.
The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.
Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception
code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If
it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that
the request timed out or that the master did not receive any valid response of the
request within the master request timeout period as set by
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for holdingRegisters.
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterReadHoldingRegistersResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write a single coil. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the coil and the value of coil to be written as received by the request. The number of the coil is called coil address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerWriteSingleCoilRequest()
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveWriteSingleCoilRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to write a single coil.
The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.
Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem.
If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus
exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For
example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the master did not receive
any valid response of the request within the master request timeout period as set
by setModbusConfiguration()
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterWriteSingleCoilResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write a single holding register. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the holding register and the register value to be written as received by the request. The number of the holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerWriteSingleRegisterRequest()
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveWriteSingleRegisterRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to write a single register.
The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.
Any non-zero exception code
indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number
represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents
other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timed out or that the
master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request
timeout period as set by setModbusConfiguration()
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterWriteSingleRegisterResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write multiple coils. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first coil and the data to be written as received by the request. The number of the first coil is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a coil number in the range of 1 to 65536.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerWriteMultipleCoilsRequest()
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for coils.
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveWriteMultipleCoilsRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read coils.
The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.
Any non-zero exception code
indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then the number
represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it represents
other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or that the
master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master request
timeout period as set by setModbusConfiguration()
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterWriteMultipleCoilsResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to write multiple holding registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first holding register and the data to be written as received by the request. The number of the first holding register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a holding register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 4 (for holding register) is omitted.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerWriteMultipleRegistersRequest()
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for registers.
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveWriteMultipleRegistersRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to write multiple registers.
The parameters are request ID of the request and exception code of the response.
Any non-zero
exception code indicates a problem. If the exception code is greater than 0 then
the number represents a Modbus exception code. If it is less than 0 then it
represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that the request timedout or
that the master did not receive any valid response of the request within the master
request timeout period as set by setModbusConfiguration()
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterWriteMultipleRegistersResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read discrete inputs. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first discrete input and the number of discrete inputs to be read as received by the request. The number of the first discrete input is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a discrete input number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 1 (for discrete input) is omitted.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerReadDiscreteInputsRequest()
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveReadDiscreteInputsRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read discrete inputs.
The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.
Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception
code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If
it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that
the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the
request within the master request timeout period as set by
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for discreteInputs.
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterReadDiscreteInputsResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus slave mode when the slave receives a valid request from a Modbus master to read input registers. The parameters are request ID of the request, the number of the first input register and the number of input registers to be read as received by the request. The number of the first input register is called starting address for backwards compatibility reasons. It is not an address, but instead a input register number in the range of 1 to 65536. The prefix digit 3 (for input register) is omitted.
To send a response of this request use modbusSlaveAnswerReadInputRegistersRequest()
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusSlaveReadInputRegistersRequestCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called only in Modbus master mode when the master receives a valid response of a request to read input registers.
The parameters are request ID of the request, exception code of the response and the data as received by the response.
Any non-zero exception code indicates a problem. If the exception
code is greater than 0 then the number represents a Modbus exception code. If
it is less than 0 then it represents other errors. For example, -1 indicates that
the request timedout or that the master did not receive any valid response of the
request within the master request timeout period as set by
If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with null for inputRegisters.
The following constants are available for this function:
For exceptionCode:
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeModbusMasterReadInputRegistersResponseCallback()
¶Event Object: |
This callback is called if at least one frame of data is readable. The frame size is configured with setFrameReadableCallbackConfiguration()
The frame count parameter is the number of frames that can be read.
This callback is triggered only once until read()
is called. This means, that if you have configured a frame size of X bytes,
you can read exactly X bytes using the read()
function, every time the callback triggers without checking the frame count parameter.
New in version 2.0.5 (Plugin).
In MATLAB the set()
function can be used to register a callback function
to this callback.
In Octave a callback function can be added to this callback using the
function. An added callback function can be removed with
the removeFrameReadableCallback()
Virtual functions don't communicate with the device itself, but operate only on the API bindings device object. They can be called without the corresponding IP Connection object being connected.
()¶Return Object: |
Returns the version of the API definition implemented by this API bindings. This is neither the release version of this API bindings nor does it tell you anything about the represented Brick or Bricklet.
(byte functionId)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
Returns the response expected flag for the function specified by the function ID parameter. It is true if the function is expected to send a response, false otherwise.
For getter functions this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled,
because those functions will always send a response. For callback configuration
functions it is enabled by default too, but can be disabled by
. For setter functions it is disabled by default
and can be enabled.
Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is sent and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.
The following constants are available for this function:
For functionId:
(byte functionId, boolean responseExpected)¶Parameters: |
Changes the response expected flag of the function specified by the function ID parameter. This flag can only be changed for setter (default value: false) and callback configuration functions (default value: true). For getter functions it is always enabled.
Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is sent and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.
The following constants are available for this function:
For functionId:
(boolean responseExpected)¶Parameters: |
Changes the response expected flag for all setter and callback configuration functions of this device at once.
Internal functions are used for maintenance tasks such as flashing a new firmware of changing the UID of a Bricklet. These task should be performed using Brick Viewer instead of using the internal functions directly.
(int mode)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
Sets the bootloader mode and returns the status after the requested mode change was instigated.
You can change from bootloader mode to firmware mode and vice versa. A change from bootloader mode to firmware mode will only take place if the entry function, device identifier and CRC are present and correct.
This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.
The following constants are available for this function:
For mode:
For status:
()¶Returns: |
Returns the current bootloader mode, see setBootloaderMode()
The following constants are available for this function:
For mode:
(long pointer)¶Parameters: |
Sets the firmware pointer for writeFirmware()
. The pointer has
to be increased by chunks of size 64. The data is written to flash
every 4 chunks (which equals to one page of size 256).
This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.
(int[] data)¶Parameters: |
Returns: |
Writes 64 Bytes of firmware at the position as written by
before. The firmware is written
to flash every 4 chunks.
You can only write firmware in bootloader mode.
This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.
(long uid)¶Parameters: |
Writes a new UID into flash. If you want to set a new UID you have to decode the Base58 encoded UID string into an integer first.
We recommend that you use Brick Viewer to change the UID.
()¶Returns: |
Returns the current UID as an integer. Encode as Base58 to get the usual string version.
¶This constant is used to identify a RS485 Bricklet.
The getIdentity()
function and the
callback of the IP Connection have a deviceIdentifier
parameter to specify
the Brick's or Bricklet's type.
¶This constant represents the human readable name of a RS485 Bricklet.