Perl - Thermal Imaging Bricklet

This is the description of the Perl API bindings for the Thermal Imaging Bricklet. General information and technical specifications for the Thermal Imaging Bricklet are summarized in its hardware description.

An installation guide for the Perl API bindings is part of their general description.


The example code below is Public Domain (CC0 1.0).


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use strict;
use Tinkerforge::IPConnection;
use Tinkerforge::BrickletThermalImaging;

use constant HOST => 'localhost';
use constant PORT => 4223;
use constant UID => 'XYZ'; # Change XYZ to the UID of your Thermal Imaging Bricklet

# Callback subroutine for high contrast image callback
sub cb_high_contrast_image
    my ($image) = @_;

    # image is an array of size 80*60 with a 8 bit grey value for each element

my $ipcon = Tinkerforge::IPConnection->new(); # Create IP connection
my $ti = Tinkerforge::BrickletThermalImaging->new(&UID, $ipcon); # Create device object

$ipcon->connect(&HOST, &PORT); # Connect to brickd
# Don't use device before ipcon is connected

# Register high contrast image callback to subroutine cb_high_contrast_image
$ti->register_callback($ti->CALLBACK_HIGH_CONTRAST_IMAGE, 'cb_high_contrast_image');

# Enable high contrast image transfer for callback

print "Press key to exit\n";


Generally, every subroutine of the Perl bindings can report an error as Tinkerforge::Error object via croak(). The object has a get_code() and a get_message() subroutine. There are different error code:

  • Error->NOT_CONNECTED = 12
  • Error->CONNECT_FAILED = 13
  • Error->TIMEOUT = 31
  • Error->UNKNOWN_ERROR = 43
  • Error->STREAM_OUT_OF_SYNC = 51
  • Error->INVALID_UID = 61
  • Error->WRONG_DEVICE_TYPE = 81
  • Error->DEVICE_REPLACED = 82

All functions listed below are thread-safe.

Basic Functions

BrickletThermalImaging->new($uid, $ipcon)
  • $uid – Type: string
  • $ipcon – Type: IPConnection
  • $thermal_imaging – Type: BrickletThermalImaging

Creates an object with the unique device ID $uid:

$thermal_imaging = BrickletThermalImaging->new("YOUR_DEVICE_UID", $ipcon);

This object can then be used after the IP Connection is connected.

  • \@image – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4800, Range: [0 to 255]

Returns the current high contrast image. See here for the difference between High Contrast and Temperature Image. If you don't know what to use the High Contrast Image is probably right for you.

The data is organized as a 8-bit value 80x60 pixel matrix linearized in a one-dimensional array. The data is arranged line by line from top left to bottom right.

Each 8-bit value represents one gray-scale image pixel that can directly be shown to a user on a display.

Before you can use this function you have to enable it with set_image_transfer_config().

  • \@image – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4800, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

Returns the current temperature image. See here for the difference between High Contrast and Temperature Image. If you don't know what to use the High Contrast Image is probably right for you.

The data is organized as a 16-bit value 80x60 pixel matrix linearized in a one-dimensional array. The data is arranged line by line from top left to bottom right.

Each 16-bit value represents one temperature measurement in either Kelvin/10 or Kelvin/100 (depending on the resolution set with set_resolution()).

Before you can use this function you have to enable it with set_image_transfer_config().

Return Array:
  • 0: \@spotmeter_statistics – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4
    • 0: $mean_temperature – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
    • 1: $max_temperature – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
    • 2: $min_temperature – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
    • 3: $pixel_count – Type: int, Range: [0 to 4800]
  • 1: \@temperatures – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4
    • 0: $focal_plain_array – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
    • 1: $focal_plain_array_last_ffc – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
    • 2: $housing – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
    • 3: $housing_last_ffc – Type: int, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]
  • 2: $resolution – Type: int, Range: See constants
  • 3: $ffc_status – Type: int, Range: See constants
  • 4: \@temperature_warning – Type: [bool, ...], Length: 2
    • 0: $shutter_lockout – Type: bool
    • 1: $overtemperature_shut_down_imminent – Type: bool

Returns the spotmeter statistics, various temperatures, current resolution and status bits.

The spotmeter statistics are:

  • Index 0: Mean Temperature.
  • Index 1: Maximum Temperature.
  • Index 2: Minimum Temperature.
  • Index 3: Pixel Count of spotmeter region of interest.

The temperatures are:

  • Index 0: Focal Plain Array temperature.
  • Index 1: Focal Plain Array temperature at last FFC (Flat Field Correction).
  • Index 2: Housing temperature.
  • Index 3: Housing temperature at last FFC.

The resolution is either 0 to 6553 Kelvin or 0 to 655 Kelvin. If the resolution is the former, the temperatures are in Kelvin/10, if it is the latter the temperatures are in Kelvin/100.

FFC (Flat Field Correction) Status:

  • FFC Never Commanded: Only seen on startup before first FFC.
  • FFC Imminent: This state is entered 2 seconds prior to initiating FFC.
  • FFC In Progress: Flat field correction is started (shutter moves in front of lens and back). Takes about 1 second.
  • FFC Complete: Shutter is in waiting position again, FFC done.

Temperature warning bits:

  • Index 0: Shutter lockout (if true shutter is locked out because temperature is outside -10°C to +65°C)
  • Index 1: Overtemperature shut down imminent (goes true 10 seconds before shutdown)

The following constants are available for this function:

For $resolution:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->RESOLUTION_0_TO_6553_KELVIN = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->RESOLUTION_0_TO_655_KELVIN = 1

For $ffc_status:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->FFC_STATUS_NEVER_COMMANDED = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FFC_STATUS_IMMINENT = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FFC_STATUS_IN_PROGRESS = 2
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FFC_STATUS_COMPLETE = 3
  • $resolution – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 1
  • undef

Sets the resolution. The Thermal Imaging Bricklet can either measure

  • from 0 to 6553 Kelvin (-273.15°C to +6279.85°C) with 0.1°C resolution or
  • from 0 to 655 Kelvin (-273.15°C to +381.85°C) with 0.01°C resolution.

The accuracy is specified for -10°C to 450°C in the first range and -10°C and 140°C in the second range.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $resolution:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->RESOLUTION_0_TO_6553_KELVIN = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->RESOLUTION_0_TO_655_KELVIN = 1
  • $resolution – Type: int, Range: See constants

Returns the resolution as set by set_resolution().

The following constants are available for this function:

For $resolution:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->RESOLUTION_0_TO_6553_KELVIN = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->RESOLUTION_0_TO_655_KELVIN = 1
  • \@region_of_interest – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4
    • 0: $first_column – Type: int, Range: [0 to 78], Default: 39
    • 1: $first_row – Type: int, Range: [0 to 58], Default: 29
    • 2: $last_column – Type: int, Range: [1 to 79], Default: 40
    • 3: $last_row – Type: int, Range: [1 to 59], Default: 30
  • undef

Sets the spotmeter region of interest. The 4 values are

  • Index 0: Column start (has to be smaller than column end).
  • Index 1: Row start (has to be smaller than row end).
  • Index 2: Column end (has to be smaller than 80).
  • Index 3: Row end (has to be smaller than 60).

The spotmeter statistics can be read out with get_statistics().

Return Array:
  • 0: \@region_of_interest – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4
    • 0: $first_column – Type: int, Range: [0 to 78], Default: 39
    • 1: $first_row – Type: int, Range: [0 to 58], Default: 29
    • 2: $last_column – Type: int, Range: [1 to 79], Default: 40
    • 3: $last_row – Type: int, Range: [1 to 59], Default: 30

Returns the spotmeter config as set by set_spotmeter_config().

BrickletThermalImaging->set_high_contrast_config(\@region_of_interest, $dampening_factor, \@clip_limit, $empty_counts)
  • \@region_of_interest – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4
    • 0: $first_column – Type: int, Range: [0 to 79], Default: 0
    • 1: $first_row – Type: int, Range: [0 to 58], Default: 0
    • 2: $last_column – Type: int, Range: [0 to 79], Default: 79
    • 3: $last_row – Type: int, Range: [1 to 59], Default: 59
  • $dampening_factor – Type: int, Range: [0 to 256], Default: 64
  • \@clip_limit – Type: [int, ...], Length: 2
    • 0: $agc_heq_clip_limit_high – Type: int, Range: [0 to 4800], Default: 4800
    • 1: $agc_heq_clip_limit_low – Type: int, Range: [0 to 210], Default: 29
  • $empty_counts – Type: int, Range: [0 to 214 - 1], Default: 2
  • undef

Sets the high contrast region of interest, dampening factor, clip limit and empty counts. This config is only used in high contrast mode (see set_image_transfer_config()).

The high contrast region of interest consists of four values:

  • Index 0: Column start (has to be smaller than or equal to column end).
  • Index 1: Row start (has to be smaller than row end).
  • Index 2: Column end (has to be smaller than 80).
  • Index 3: Row end (has to be smaller than 60).

The algorithm to generate the high contrast image is applied to this region.

Dampening Factor: This parameter is the amount of temporal dampening applied to the HEQ (history equalization) transformation function. An IIR filter of the form:

(N / 256) * previous + ((256 - N) / 256) * current

is applied, and the HEQ dampening factor represents the value N in the equation, i.e., a value that applies to the amount of influence the previous HEQ transformation function has on the current function. The lower the value of N the higher the influence of the current video frame whereas the higher the value of N the more influence the previous damped transfer function has.

Clip Limit Index 0 (AGC HEQ Clip Limit High): This parameter defines the maximum number of pixels allowed to accumulate in any given histogram bin. Any additional pixels in a given bin are clipped. The effect of this parameter is to limit the influence of highly-populated bins on the resulting HEQ transformation function.

Clip Limit Index 1 (AGC HEQ Clip Limit Low): This parameter defines an artificial population that is added to every non-empty histogram bin. In other words, if the Clip Limit Low is set to L, a bin with an actual population of X will have an effective population of L + X. Any empty bin that is nearby a populated bin will be given an artificial population of L. The effect of higher values is to provide a more linear transfer function; lower values provide a more non-linear (equalized) transfer function.

Empty Counts: This parameter specifies the maximum number of pixels in a bin that will be interpreted as an empty bin. Histogram bins with this number of pixels or less will be processed as an empty bin.

Return Array:
  • 0: \@region_of_interest – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4
    • 0: $first_column – Type: int, Range: [0 to 78], Default: 0
    • 1: $first_row – Type: int, Range: [0 to 58], Default: 0
    • 2: $last_column – Type: int, Range: [1 to 79], Default: 79
    • 3: $last_row – Type: int, Range: [1 to 59], Default: 59
  • 1: $dampening_factor – Type: int, Range: [0 to 256], Default: 64
  • 2: \@clip_limit – Type: [int, ...], Length: 2
    • 0: $agc_heq_clip_limit_high – Type: int, Range: [0 to 4800], Default: 4800
    • 1: $agc_heq_clip_limit_low – Type: int, Range: [0 to 210], Default: 29
  • 3: $empty_counts – Type: int, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 2

Returns the high contrast config as set by set_high_contrast_config().

Advanced Functions

BrickletThermalImaging->set_flux_linear_parameters($scene_emissivity, $temperature_background, $tau_window, $temperatur_window, $tau_atmosphere, $temperature_atmosphere, $reflection_window, $temperature_reflection)
  • $scene_emissivity – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [82 to 213], Default: 213
  • $temperature_background – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • $tau_window – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [82 to 213], Default: 213
  • $temperatur_window – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • $tau_atmosphere – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [82 to 213], Default: 213
  • $temperature_atmosphere – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • $reflection_window – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [0 to 213], Default: 0
  • $temperature_reflection – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • undef

Sets the flux linear parameters that can be used for radiometry calibration.

See FLIR document 102-PS245-100-01 for more details.

New in version 2.0.5 (Plugin).

Return Array:
  • 0: $scene_emissivity – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [82 to 213], Default: 213
  • 1: $temperature_background – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • 2: $tau_window – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [82 to 213], Default: 213
  • 3: $temperatur_window – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • 4: $tau_atmosphere – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [82 to 213], Default: 213
  • 5: $temperature_atmosphere – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515
  • 6: $reflection_window – Type: int, Unit: 25/2048 %, Range: [0 to 213], Default: 0
  • 7: $temperature_reflection – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 29515

Returns the flux linear parameters, as set by set_flux_linear_parameters().

New in version 2.0.5 (Plugin).

BrickletThermalImaging->set_ffc_shutter_mode($shutter_mode, $temp_lockout_state, $video_freeze_during_ffc, $ffc_desired, $elapsed_time_since_last_ffc, $desired_ffc_period, $explicit_cmd_to_open, $desired_ffc_temp_delta, $imminent_delay)
  • $shutter_mode – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 1
  • $temp_lockout_state – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 0
  • $video_freeze_during_ffc – Type: bool, Default: 1
  • $ffc_desired – Type: bool, Default: 0
  • $elapsed_time_since_last_ffc – Type: int, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 232 - 1], Default: 0
  • $desired_ffc_period – Type: int, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 232 - 1], Default: 300000
  • $explicit_cmd_to_open – Type: bool, Default: 0
  • $desired_ffc_temp_delta – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 300
  • $imminent_delay – Type: int, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 52
  • undef

Sets the FFC shutter mode parameters.

See FLIR document 110-0144-03 4.5.15 for more details.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $shutter_mode:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_MODE_MANUAL = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_MODE_AUTO = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_MODE_EXTERNAL = 2

For $temp_lockout_state:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_LOCKOUT_INACTIVE = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_LOCKOUT_HIGH = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_LOCKOUT_LOW = 2

New in version 2.0.6 (Plugin).

Return Array:
  • 0: $shutter_mode – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 1
  • 1: $temp_lockout_state – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 0
  • 2: $video_freeze_during_ffc – Type: bool, Default: 1
  • 3: $ffc_desired – Type: bool, Default: 0
  • 4: $elapsed_time_since_last_ffc – Type: int, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 232 - 1], Default: 0
  • 5: $desired_ffc_period – Type: int, Unit: 1 ms, Range: [0 to 232 - 1], Default: 300000
  • 6: $explicit_cmd_to_open – Type: bool, Default: 0
  • 7: $desired_ffc_temp_delta – Type: int, Unit: 1/100 K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 300
  • 8: $imminent_delay – Type: int, Range: [0 to 216 - 1], Default: 52

Sets the FFC shutter mode parameters.

See FLIR document 110-0144-03 4.5.15 for more details.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $shutter_mode:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_MODE_MANUAL = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_MODE_AUTO = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_MODE_EXTERNAL = 2

For $temp_lockout_state:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_LOCKOUT_INACTIVE = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_LOCKOUT_HIGH = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->SHUTTER_LOCKOUT_LOW = 2

New in version 2.0.6 (Plugin).

  • undef

Starts the Flat-Field Correction (FFC) normalization.

See FLIR document 110-0144-03 4.5.16 for more details.

New in version 2.0.6 (Plugin).

Return Array:
  • 0: $error_count_ack_checksum – Type: int, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]
  • 1: $error_count_message_checksum – Type: int, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]
  • 2: $error_count_frame – Type: int, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]
  • 3: $error_count_overflow – Type: int, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]

Returns the error count for the communication between Brick and Bricklet.

The errors are divided into

  • ACK checksum errors,
  • message checksum errors,
  • framing errors and
  • overflow errors.

The errors counts are for errors that occur on the Bricklet side. All Bricks have a similar function that returns the errors on the Brick side.

  • $config – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 3
  • undef

Sets the status LED configuration. By default the LED shows communication traffic between Brick and Bricklet, it flickers once for every 10 received data packets.

You can also turn the LED permanently on/off or show a heartbeat.

If the Bricklet is in bootloader mode, the LED is will show heartbeat by default.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $config:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_OFF = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_ON = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_SHOW_HEARTBEAT = 2
  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_SHOW_STATUS = 3
  • $config – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 3

Returns the configuration as set by set_status_led_config()

The following constants are available for this function:

For $config:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_OFF = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_ON = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_SHOW_HEARTBEAT = 2
  • BrickletThermalImaging->STATUS_LED_CONFIG_SHOW_STATUS = 3
  • $temperature – Type: int, Unit: 1 °C, Range: [-215 to 215 - 1]

Returns the temperature as measured inside the microcontroller. The value returned is not the ambient temperature!

The temperature is only proportional to the real temperature and it has bad accuracy. Practically it is only useful as an indicator for temperature changes.

  • undef

Calling this function will reset the Bricklet. All configurations will be lost.

After a reset you have to create new device objects, calling functions on the existing ones will result in undefined behavior!

Return Array:
  • 0: $uid – Type: string, Length: up to 8
  • 1: $connected_uid – Type: string, Length: up to 8
  • 2: $position – Type: char, Range: ['a' to 'h', 'z']
  • 3: \@hardware_version – Type: [int, ...], Length: 3
    • 0: $major – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 1: $minor – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 2: $revision – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
  • 4: \@firmware_version – Type: [int, ...], Length: 3
    • 0: $major – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 1: $minor – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 2: $revision – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
  • 5: $device_identifier – Type: int, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

Returns the UID, the UID where the Bricklet is connected to, the position, the hardware and firmware version as well as the device identifier.

The position can be 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g' or 'h' (Bricklet Port). A Bricklet connected to an Isolator Bricklet is always at position 'z'.

The device identifier numbers can be found here. There is also a constant for the device identifier of this Bricklet.

Callback Configuration Functions

BrickletThermalImaging->register_callback($callback_id, $function)
  • $callback_id – Type: int
  • $function – Type: string
  • undef

Registers the given $function name with the given $callback_id.

The available callback IDs with corresponding function signatures are listed below.

  • $config – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 0
  • undef

The necessary bandwidth of this Bricklet is too high to use getter/callback or high contrast/temperature image at the same time. You have to configure the one you want to use, the Bricklet will optimize the internal configuration accordingly.

Corresponding functions:

The following constants are available for this function:

For $config:

  • $config – Type: int, Range: See constants, Default: 0

Returns the image transfer config, as set by set_image_transfer_config().

The following constants are available for this function:

For $config:



Callbacks can be registered to receive time critical or recurring data from the device. The registration is done with the register_callback() function of the device object. The first parameter is the callback ID and the second parameter the callback function name:

sub my_callback
    print "@_[0]";

$thermal_imaging->register_callback(BrickletThermalImaging->CALLBACK_EXAMPLE, 'my_callback')

The callback function will be called from an internal thread of the IP Connection. In contrast to many other programming languages, variables are not automatically shared between threads in Perl. If you want to share a global variable between a callback function and the rest for your program it has to be marked as :shared. See the documentation of the threads::shared Perl module for more details.

The available constants with inherent number and type of parameters are described below.


Using callbacks for recurring events is always preferred compared to using getters. It will use less USB bandwidth and the latency will be a lot better, since there is no round trip time.

Callback Parameters:
  • \@image – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4800, Range: [0 to 255]

This callback is triggered with every new high contrast image if the transfer image config is configured for high contrast callback (see set_image_transfer_config()).

The data is organized as a 8-bit value 80x60 pixel matrix linearized in a one-dimensional array. The data is arranged line by line from top left to bottom right.

Each 8-bit value represents one gray-scale image pixel that can directly be shown to a user on a display.


If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with undef for image.

Callback Parameters:
  • \@image – Type: [int, ...], Length: 4800, Unit: ? K, Range: [0 to 216 - 1]

This callback is triggered with every new temperature image if the transfer image config is configured for temperature callback (see set_image_transfer_config()).

The data is organized as a 16-bit value 80x60 pixel matrix linearized in a one-dimensional array. The data is arranged line by line from top left to bottom right.

Each 16-bit value represents one temperature measurement in either Kelvin/10 or Kelvin/100 (depending on the resolution set with set_resolution()).


If reconstructing the value fails, the callback is triggered with undef for image.

Virtual Functions

Virtual functions don't communicate with the device itself, but operate only on the API bindings device object. They can be called without the corresponding IP Connection object being connected.

Return Array:
  • 0: \@api_version – Type: [int, ...], Length: 3
    • 0: $major – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 1: $minor – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]
    • 2: $revision – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]

Returns the version of the API definition implemented by this API bindings. This is neither the release version of this API bindings nor does it tell you anything about the represented Brick or Bricklet.

  • $function_id – Type: int, Range: See constants
  • $response_expected – Type: bool

Returns the response expected flag for the function specified by the function ID parameter. It is true if the function is expected to send a response, false otherwise.

For getter functions this is enabled by default and cannot be disabled, because those functions will always send a response. For callback configuration functions it is enabled by default too, but can be disabled by set_response_expected(). For setter functions it is disabled by default and can be enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is sent and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $function_id:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_RESOLUTION = 4
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_SPOTMETER_CONFIG = 6
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_HIGH_CONTRAST_CONFIG = 8
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_IMAGE_TRANSFER_CONFIG = 10
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_FLUX_LINEAR_PARAMETERS = 14
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_FFC_SHUTTER_MODE = 16
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_RUN_FFC_NORMALIZATION = 18
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_WRITE_FIRMWARE_POINTER = 237
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_STATUS_LED_CONFIG = 239
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_RESET = 243
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_WRITE_UID = 248
BrickletThermalImaging->set_response_expected($function_id, $response_expected)
  • $function_id – Type: int, Range: See constants
  • $response_expected – Type: bool
  • undef

Changes the response expected flag of the function specified by the function ID parameter. This flag can only be changed for setter (default value: false) and callback configuration functions (default value: true). For getter functions it is always enabled.

Enabling the response expected flag for a setter function allows to detect timeouts and other error conditions calls of this setter as well. The device will then send a response for this purpose. If this flag is disabled for a setter function then no response is sent and errors are silently ignored, because they cannot be detected.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $function_id:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_RESOLUTION = 4
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_SPOTMETER_CONFIG = 6
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_HIGH_CONTRAST_CONFIG = 8
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_IMAGE_TRANSFER_CONFIG = 10
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_FLUX_LINEAR_PARAMETERS = 14
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_FFC_SHUTTER_MODE = 16
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_RUN_FFC_NORMALIZATION = 18
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_WRITE_FIRMWARE_POINTER = 237
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_SET_STATUS_LED_CONFIG = 239
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_RESET = 243
  • BrickletThermalImaging->FUNCTION_WRITE_UID = 248
  • $response_expected – Type: bool
  • undef

Changes the response expected flag for all setter and callback configuration functions of this device at once.

Internal Functions

Internal functions are used for maintenance tasks such as flashing a new firmware of changing the UID of a Bricklet. These task should be performed using Brick Viewer instead of using the internal functions directly.

  • $mode – Type: int, Range: See constants
  • $status – Type: int, Range: See constants

Sets the bootloader mode and returns the status after the requested mode change was instigated.

You can change from bootloader mode to firmware mode and vice versa. A change from bootloader mode to firmware mode will only take place if the entry function, device identifier and CRC are present and correct.

This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.

The following constants are available for this function:

For $mode:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_MODE_BOOTLOADER = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_MODE_FIRMWARE = 1

For $status:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_STATUS_OK = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_STATUS_INVALID_MODE = 1
  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_STATUS_NO_CHANGE = 2
  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_STATUS_CRC_MISMATCH = 5
  • $mode – Type: int, Range: See constants

Returns the current bootloader mode, see set_bootloader_mode().

The following constants are available for this function:

For $mode:

  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_MODE_BOOTLOADER = 0
  • BrickletThermalImaging->BOOTLOADER_MODE_FIRMWARE = 1
  • $pointer – Type: int, Unit: 1 B, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]
  • undef

Sets the firmware pointer for write_firmware(). The pointer has to be increased by chunks of size 64. The data is written to flash every 4 chunks (which equals to one page of size 256).

This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.

  • \@data – Type: [int, ...], Length: 64, Range: [0 to 255]
  • $status – Type: int, Range: [0 to 255]

Writes 64 Bytes of firmware at the position as written by set_write_firmware_pointer() before. The firmware is written to flash every 4 chunks.

You can only write firmware in bootloader mode.

This function is used by Brick Viewer during flashing. It should not be necessary to call it in a normal user program.

  • $uid – Type: int, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]
  • undef

Writes a new UID into flash. If you want to set a new UID you have to decode the Base58 encoded UID string into an integer first.

We recommend that you use Brick Viewer to change the UID.

  • $uid – Type: int, Range: [0 to 232 - 1]

Returns the current UID as an integer. Encode as Base58 to get the usual string version.



This constant is used to identify a Thermal Imaging Bricklet.

The get_identity() function and the IPConnection->CALLBACK_ENUMERATE callback of the IP Connection have a device_identifier parameter to specify the Brick's or Bricklet's type.


This constant represents the human readable name of a Thermal Imaging Bricklet.